Monday, June 20, 2011

Thoughts of the evening.

Random thoughts of the evening:

-Alcoholics Anonymous is anonymous, why do you introduce yourself?

-Are home grown herbs better than store bought? And does it make a difference if you purchase a mature plant at a store, or grow it from a seed?

-Why is a 12 oz bag of fiber fill more expensive than a 16oz bag?

-At a midnight premier of a movie, what's the ratio of assholes who want to pick the film apart to those who just want to see a movie they've waited to see?

-How did Marvel get bought out by Disney? (This is one of my waking thoughts.)

-It's viewed as child abuse to spank a child, but how many of those law makers were raised with parents who spanked them?

-Why is there a meat dress in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame?

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