Monday, February 27, 2012

PWFL Goes Political

So I read part of an article today and I thought it was comical enough for me to say something about it. So here it goes:

Rick Santorum sure must love the taste of his own foot in his mouth. He twisted the words of President Obama to try and make him sound like a jerk. However, Mr. President's speeches are well documented to a freaking T. It's a bunch of he said she said bullshit, but it's documented and published so the whole world can see how much of an asshole this Santorum guy really is.

Santorum said: “President Obama has said he wants everybody in America to go to college. What a snob... There are good, decent men and women who go out and work hard every day, and put their skills to test, who aren't taught by some liberal college professor (who) tries to indoctrinate them. I understand why he wants you to go to college. He wants to remake you in his image. I want to create jobs so people can remake their children into their image, not his.”

What President Obama really stressed was for Americans to get a college education, be it at a university or community college, or some kind of vocational training. He's actually encouraging people to get something more than just a high school diploma, which I support.

FYI, The Good Ol' US of A has one of the crappiest education systems on the global level. My home state of Arizona ranked 50th in the country for education. That's saying something, now isn't it?

So for all you Santorum supporters, have a little food for thought: Do you really want a jackwagon who lies to the media about what the President said? Vote Ron Paul :)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Dead Memories

I woke up with a splitting headache today. I've been turning over a single thought in my mind for the past few weeks, and today I finally realized a few things.

For starters, we're not kids anymore. It's a hard pill to take and I know I should have realized this a while ago. But, I'm hung up on the old times. Times when we used to stay up all hours of the night, get shit faced, and hang out when we were in more sober conditions. Now, friends are married or were at one point, moved out, working to pay bills, working on degrees, or a combination of the five.

What's more depressing is when I realized I'm 23, barely starting on a degree, I can't drive, I don't have a car and I don't have a job. As much as I want to be irresponsible and relive all those dead memories, I know I can't. It's not that I have a family to support or have to make ends meet. I just have to grow the fuck up.

I'm no Bible-crazed lunatic who MUST pray for all that I want or need, but I do see some things in the Hebrew/Christian Bible that make some sense. When three angels were uber pwning Sodom, Lot's wife turned around and became a pillar of salt. Look it up. I don't have a Bible on hand right now. Anyway, Lot's wife was a metaphor (in my opinion). She looked back on what was past and she was stuck there. I was stuck mentally, but now I'm mobile and moving forward.

-The End-

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A List of Things I Hate

It's not in order, but I'm a little irritated right now and I need to rant.

-Unexpected company
-Teenagers who think their parents owe them anything
-Children who scream/swear/whine
-Washing dishes
-Child molesters
-Crooked politicians
-Smoking bans
-People who ignore traffic regulations
-Dirty socks
-Animal abuse
-Justin Bieber (I don't care if I spelled it wrong. He's annoying.)
-"Artists" who make it big yet have little to know musical skill
-Evangelicals trying to push their religion on others
-The Game and losing the game
-The economy
-Unemployment rates
-Long lines
-Human rights violations
-Politics in general
-Chemical warfare
-Tribal tattoos on anyone who isn't in a tribe to begin with
-Dropped stitches when I'm knitting/crocheting
-Losing things
-People who think they're better than everyone else
-Holes in my shoes
-Running out of cigarettes
-People not understanding that guns don't kill people
-People who don't understand the nature of hunting. IT'S FOR POPULATION CONTROL! Do you want those poor animals to starve because they over populated and consumed their food sources? I don't hunt. Hell, I've never even shot a gun in my life. But if I can grasp that concept, so can all these PETA ass wads who shoot off flares at hunting grounds. You make me sick.
-Anything purple.
-Anti-LBGT anything
-Really annoying people.

That's my rant for today. I feel better :). I may bitch about a lot of shit, but the men and women stationed in Afghanistan have it rough. Check out this link. Help a soldier out, will ya? Special thanks to Brian Wendt for writing the Facebook note, "

HotHands® for Soldiers".