Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ghosts and Alarms

Alright this is getting a little creepy: Every time I talk about paranormal activity (in my house or in general) some weird shit goes down.

A few months ago, I was having a conversation about ghosts and whatnot with my brother. The alarm clock that I had borrowed from him went off three times in a row before I unplugged it from the wall. I had set the alarm for 7 am, but it was going off at 12:am.

Tonight, I was talking to my sister about ghosts and things we've experienced in our house. Then a few minutes later, I was talking to my boyfriend about the same things. After we had said our farewells, my cell phone's alarm goes off for no reason. I set a reminder on my phone for my boyfriend's birthday (which was on the 14th) and it has gone off twice tonight.

Here are a few things I need explained:
1) Seeing "shadows" or "figures" moving in the dark
2)Faceless "mannequin" crawling on the floor
3) Seeing a flash of light in complete dark and/or shadows figures right before my sister had a night terror.

Nothing vicious has happened and I'm glad for that. The only things that have almost required a change of underpants. It's more or less seeing apparitions and shadows. Any takers on giving my family and I some advice?

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