Thursday, June 30, 2011

My my! What awesome music you have!

Local music is the shizznit. AZ has one of the finest local scenes around.

Belligerent Rednecks (and yes, there is a semi-bias going on here since two of the guys from BR are good friends of mine)

That's just a taste of awesome.

Get out there and support YOUR local scene!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Illegal Immigrants and Smokey the Bear

I was watching the news today and there was a story about Sen. John McCain blaming illegal immigrants on the recent forest fire near the Arizona/Mexico border. The first thing that human rights activists assume is he is "demonizing" immigrants and "demonizing" Latinos.

My thoughts: Look at the facts, people. It's a border fire. So, how did this fire start? Were the desert critters having a bonfire that got out of control? No! Someone had to start this fire, and it sure wasn't Smokey. No, I'm not saying the Latino population as a whole should be held responsible for it. (I'm Hispanic. Why blame my brown side?) However, I believe those who are responsible for this and every other fire, should pony up and take their punishment like adults.

Oh, and for God's sake, stop making everything about McCain going after Latinos. He wants illegal immigrants out, and I agree with him. I sympathize with those who seek asylum and are turned away. I also agree that the system is fucked. Hopefully, something is done to fix that problem, but until then every single person crossing that border illegally are all the same to McCain and the law.

I feel better now :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Thoughts of the evening.

Random thoughts of the evening:

-Alcoholics Anonymous is anonymous, why do you introduce yourself?

-Are home grown herbs better than store bought? And does it make a difference if you purchase a mature plant at a store, or grow it from a seed?

-Why is a 12 oz bag of fiber fill more expensive than a 16oz bag?

-At a midnight premier of a movie, what's the ratio of assholes who want to pick the film apart to those who just want to see a movie they've waited to see?

-How did Marvel get bought out by Disney? (This is one of my waking thoughts.)

-It's viewed as child abuse to spank a child, but how many of those law makers were raised with parents who spanked them?

-Why is there a meat dress in the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame?

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Ghosts and Alarms

Alright this is getting a little creepy: Every time I talk about paranormal activity (in my house or in general) some weird shit goes down.

A few months ago, I was having a conversation about ghosts and whatnot with my brother. The alarm clock that I had borrowed from him went off three times in a row before I unplugged it from the wall. I had set the alarm for 7 am, but it was going off at 12:am.

Tonight, I was talking to my sister about ghosts and things we've experienced in our house. Then a few minutes later, I was talking to my boyfriend about the same things. After we had said our farewells, my cell phone's alarm goes off for no reason. I set a reminder on my phone for my boyfriend's birthday (which was on the 14th) and it has gone off twice tonight.

Here are a few things I need explained:
1) Seeing "shadows" or "figures" moving in the dark
2)Faceless "mannequin" crawling on the floor
3) Seeing a flash of light in complete dark and/or shadows figures right before my sister had a night terror.

Nothing vicious has happened and I'm glad for that. The only things that have almost required a change of underpants. It's more or less seeing apparitions and shadows. Any takers on giving my family and I some advice?