Sunday, January 22, 2012

Single (with links to some fantastic music)

You don't HAVE to follow the links for this blog to make sense. It's optional.

So I broke up with my boyfriend of ten months (that's my longest relationship thus far) and I feel like a bitch. Not because of the reason, but because how I'm not allowing myself to be depressed. Trust me, this morning was a scene ripped from the pages of an emo kid's diary. I had my blanket over my head, cuddling with my pillow, and listening to Brand New. But then I said to myself, "Get your ass out of bed, take a shower and change the music. This is ridiculous." So what did I do? I did some laundry, took a shower, and listened to Rebelution. NO one can be upset when they listen to this amazing band, even if you don't like reggae.

The rest of the night was filled with rants, inside jokes, laughs, "looking suspect", and things that I can't really can't explain. What I can tell you is I love Boston and I just realized Flo Rida's name is Florida with a space between O and R. I feel like a jackass for that last one because it seems so obvious, but I really don't pay much attention to the new hip hop scene.

On a side note, I found myself in the weird part of YouTube. Some things can't be unseen. Just saying.

Now that I've gotten all this stuff off my chest, I feel like dancing.


  1. Seriously, some things cannot be unseen.

  2. Chyeah. Why do people make weird videos in the first place?
