Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A List of Things I Hate

It's not in order, but I'm a little irritated right now and I need to rant.

-Unexpected company
-Teenagers who think their parents owe them anything
-Children who scream/swear/whine
-Washing dishes
-Child molesters
-Crooked politicians
-Smoking bans
-People who ignore traffic regulations
-Dirty socks
-Animal abuse
-Justin Bieber (I don't care if I spelled it wrong. He's annoying.)
-"Artists" who make it big yet have little to know musical skill
-Evangelicals trying to push their religion on others
-The Game and losing the game
-The economy
-Unemployment rates
-Long lines
-Human rights violations
-Politics in general
-Chemical warfare
-Tribal tattoos on anyone who isn't in a tribe to begin with
-Dropped stitches when I'm knitting/crocheting
-Losing things
-People who think they're better than everyone else
-Holes in my shoes
-Running out of cigarettes
-People not understanding that guns don't kill people
-People who don't understand the nature of hunting. IT'S FOR POPULATION CONTROL! Do you want those poor animals to starve because they over populated and consumed their food sources? I don't hunt. Hell, I've never even shot a gun in my life. But if I can grasp that concept, so can all these PETA ass wads who shoot off flares at hunting grounds. You make me sick.
-Anything purple.
-Anti-LBGT anything
-Really annoying people.

That's my rant for today. I feel better :). I may bitch about a lot of shit, but the men and women stationed in Afghanistan have it rough. Check out this link. Help a soldier out, will ya? Special thanks to Brian Wendt for writing the Facebook note, "

HotHands® for Soldiers".

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